Vision & Mission

To emerge as a premium World Class Institute in Disaster Management using State of the Art Technology.


1. Sustainable Capacity building of all 15000 officers, 27500 core staff in Disaster Management through Mandatory and Refresher Courses & Continuous updating of their Knowledge through e-learning Platform.

2. To emerge as an auditing, certifying and policy making body forIndain Railways (IR) in Disaster Management

3.Capacity building of 1.29 lakh frontline staff/First reponders using Hybrid learning (online& offline).

4. Sensitization of 8 lakhNon-core Stakeholders of IR through standardized modulesusing Expanded Classroom Concept with decentralised Training using e-learning platforms in coordination with other Zonal and Divisional Institutes

5. To become a single point solution provider on Disaster Management of Railway Sector for Developing Nations and Industries having in-house Railway Network.