Training Programmes For Officers
S.N. Course Code Course Name Duration Target Group
1 DM-AMP Disaster Management for Higher Management (SG and above) 3 Days Serving Officers of Indian Railways
2 DM-MDP DM Module for Management Development Programme for Officers of IR 5 Days
3 DM-BFP DM Module for Group “B” Foundation Programme for Officers of IR
4 IT-PO Induction Training for Probationary officers. 5 Days Probationary Officers
Training Programmes For For Mech. Dept.
S.N. Course Code Course Name Duration Target Group
4 MRT-08 Induction training for App. JE of Mechanical Stream. 5 Days Apprentice J.E. (Mech. Dept.)
5 IT-ART Induction Training for ART / ARME Supervisors & Staff. 10 Days Supervisor / Staff deputed in ART
6 CB-ART Capacity Building for ART officer / staff. (with Field Experience of 05 Years) 6 Days Officer / Supervisors /Staff of ART
Training Programmes For Other Dept.
S.N. Course Code Course Name Duration Target Group
7 HOT-FR Hands-on Training for First Responders (Frontline Staff of Indian Railways) 5 Days Frontline Staff (All depts.)
8 HOT-FR (RPF) Hands-on Training for First Responders (RPF Staff) 5 Days RPF Staff of I. R.
9 HOT-P&V Hands-on Training on Photography / Videography (Accident scenario) 3 Days Safety Counselor & ART Staff
Special Programmes
S.N. Course Name Duration Target Group
10A Advanced D.M. Training for Officers from Mech. and Safety Branches of IR in association with NIDM, NDRF, SDRF & C.D. 3 Days Mech. & Safety Officers
10B Full-Scale Mock Drill with NDRF, SDRF, C.D., Fire Service and Rly. D.M. Teams. 2 Days Staff of I. R.
11 Special Training on Underwater Rescue and Retrieval from Railway Coaches. 5 Days NDRF, SDRF & I.R.
12 Special online session for D.M. module for the Accounts / Finance department. 1 Days Account/ Fin. Dept.
13 Special Programme on Incidence Response System (I.R.S.) in association with NIDM. 5 Days Officers of I. R.